Tech Babble 466

This is for my T&L 466 class.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Online Schools

Pros to Online Schooling:

Students can attend class even when they are sick

Students can learn at their own pace

Students can work and attend school much easier

Students can complete work at different times in the day, making their schedule much more flexible

Teachers can share media and videos with students much easier since they are using the internet already

Cons to Online Schooling:

Teachers may never get face to face interaction with students

Teachers cannot keep their students on track since the student completes all their work at home without supervision

Teachers may not be able to do authentic activities with students

Students will not be able to get automatic feedback about assignments and ask direct questions with immediate responses

Classes may not appeal to multiple intelligences

Since technology and the internet are widespread and virtually impossible to avoid, online schools seem to be a prospect in the future. While I would rather teach in a traditional school, I would like to teach online to experience it because I could live where I wanted and be able to teach anywhere. It gives a lot of freedom to the teacher to schedule other things around their job.


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