Tech Babble 466

This is for my T&L 466 class.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Multiple Intelligences

I took a multiple intelligence survey online, several actually. All of them identified me as an interpersonal learner which would make sense because I love talking to people and do it much too often. Interpersonal learners have many core intelligences, including: collaborative skills and a cooperative attitude, social influence, social empathy, social connection, and leadership. I often exhibit social influence, empathy, and connection. I have the ability to identify with others, persuade them with my ideas (in a positive way!), and take into consideration other people's thoughts and input. I often come up with good ideas, but they can be improved and usually are with other input. After all, three ideas are better than just one.

Students who portray this type of intelligence are often very social. They enjoy interacting with others in all types of settings. Therefore, group activities and projects help these students thrive as well as class discussion. They may often get off task because they enjoy talking with their classmates, but can usually get back on track and lead their group to a consensus. They often value everyone's ideas and talk about incorporating them into the group project. These students get along with their peers and create a lively learning environment.

In my teaching I will support this type of intelligence by frequently inviting students to discuss classroom topics with their peers and work in groups. I can facilitate classroom discussion and then allow the students to talk about questions I pose with others. I may have to keep them on task often, but the interaction among students is important. By allowing them to talk amongst themselves, they get a break from sitting in place and listening to lecture. By allowing students to talk freely about the topic, they satisfy their need to interact with others and learn much more effectively. By allowing students to work in groups, these particular students will be able to provide a group identity by bringing each member into the group. Since students with this learning style are social and empathetic they will be able to lead, converse, and gather everyone's ideas helping give each student a voice.

Technologies that are useful to incorporate into the classroom for students with interpersonal traits include:
  • Class discussion
  • Post-it notes
  • Greeting card
  • Laboratory
  • Telephone
  • Walkie-talkie
  • Intercom
  • Board games
  • Costumes
  • Collaborative projects
  • Chat
  • Message boards
  • Instant messenger
By being aware of the different types of learning styles, I can make sure in incorporate activities that cater to each of these students. In my classroom I cannot just focus on group activities or lectures. I will have to incorporate activities that are helpful to students who are intrapersonal or logical thinkers. This way I can help every student to succeed in the best way I can.


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